Commodities Thrive Amid Market Turmoil: The Future of Gold and Crude Oil Prices

Commodities Thrive Amid Market Turmoil


It has been a wild ride for commodities like gold and oil. When the Russo-Ukrainian war started in February 2022, it sent the commodity markets into turmoil. Since then, commodity prices have skyrocketed, with some hitting all-time highs. In this blog post, we will explore the latest commodities news, the uncertainty over the Fed's next move, and the future of gold and crude oil prices.

Commodities Outperform Amid Market Losses

From an investor's perspective, the commodities market performed in contrast to the sizable losses most markets experienced in 2022. It extended the gains from 2021, marking two straight years of the best-performing asset class. In contrast, the S&P 500 lost nearly 18% in 2022.

Uncertainty Over the Fed's Next Move

In an ideal setting, the US jobs market data for March would have predicted the Fed’s next move on rates. However, current conditions mean it is difficult to predict the Fed's next move on May 3.

A further tightening of rates would surprise investors, except that data shows easing inflation. Many investors expect the Fed to raise rates by another 25 basis points, despite its acknowledgment of increased inflation risk due to the recent banking crisis.

The Impact of Rate Hikes on Gold and Crude Prices

If the Fed opts for higher rates, it could trigger a mini-crash in gold prices, which have been on track for a new high. Higher interest rates often cause gold prices to drop. There is speculation that this could happen following comments by New York Fed Governor Christopher Waller.

His remarks also impacted crude, which settled for a modest advance instead of the expected large gains following the IEA’s upgrade of demand prospects for oil in 2023. However, crude is still advancing with no signs of letting up.

The Future of Crude Oil Prices

At the start of April, OPEC+ made surprise cuts totaling 1.16 million barrels per day, causing prices to rally 8% at the time. For the past year, the prevailing sentiment has been that demand would be resurgent due to the post-COVID recovery and China’s reopening. However, skeptics had pointed out that China had filled its inventories when prices dropped. Additionally, there is growing fear of a global economic slowdown. The recent OPEC+ cuts seem to vindicate the skeptics.

Crude Oil Inventory Dynamics

A recent March 22 report revealed Fujairah stockpiles were climbing for the first time in a month. The data showed a 10% surge in inventories. Before this, stockpiles had declined by 13% the three weeks prior.

Other data points to a growing bearish sentiment regarding oil markets. Data showed total seaborne oil loadings were higher than their seven-year range, at 50 million barrels per day in March. This was up by 400,000 barrels per day in February.

Russian Crude Exports Remain Stable

Another interesting point is that Russian crude exports remain stable despite sanctions. Despite announcing a 500,000 barrels per day cut, Russia's crude loadings remained stable at 3.6 million barrels per day in March.

However, there has also been a spike in Russian diesel loadings, which have grown by 400,000 barrels per day month-over-month to reach 1.5 million barrels per day in March. Some of that is due to delayed loadings from February. Nevertheless, it is at a multi-year high and is having an impact on market dynamics.

Factors Affecting Gold Prices

When it comes to gold, the main factor for a surge in gold prices is the purchase by central banks. In 2022, central banks bought a record 1,136 tons of gold. The stockpiling of gold by central banks and private institutions will likely continue over fears of a looming global slowdown. In 2023, the central banks added 125 tons of gold in the first two months.

Gold Prices and Interest Rate Hikes

As mentioned earlier, a potential interest rate hike by the Fed could have a significant impact on gold prices. Investors will be closely monitoring the Fed's decision on May 3, as it could determine the short-term direction of gold prices. If the Fed opts for a more aggressive approach to curb inflation, gold prices could see a temporary dip.

Inflation and Gold

Inflation concerns have been a driving factor behind gold's recent rally. Investors have been flocking to the precious metal as a hedge against rising prices. If inflation continues to rise, it could further fuel gold's ascent, as more investors seek a safe haven for their capital.


The future of gold and crude oil prices remains uncertain, as various factors come into play. Market participants will be keenly watching the Fed's decision on May 3, as well as developments in the global economy, OPEC+ actions, and geopolitical tensions. In the meantime, traders and investors should stay informed and prepared to adapt to changing market conditions. At Apex Markets, we are committed to providing you with the best trading platform and support to help you navigate these volatile markets.

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